Come Up Here!

Do you ever read into a Bible story and consider what our ancestors went through physically? Their strength and endurance simply amaze me. Picture Mt. Sinai: 7,497 feet high, nearly one and a half miles. There are currently 3,700 uneven stone steps to the top taking the average tourist three hours to climb.

Moses went up the mountain to meet with God several times but one time, in particular, required supernatural assistance. “There was thunder, lightning and a thick cloud on the mountain. Then a shofar [horn] blast sounded so loudly that all the people in the camp trembled.” (Exodus 19:16)

There were at least two and a half million people in that camp, including women and children…they all trembled. Then the whole mountain shook violently and the shofar got louder and louder. The sound of the horn and the shaking of the mountain may have stopped but Moses had to be wiped out when he reached the cloud of smoke–relieved to have made it. Then God tells him to go back down. Moses argued with God–he had already given the order to the people to stay back. Why go back and repeat it? But God commanded him, “Go back down!” 

I imagine Moses let out a deep sigh before turning around and hearing the words, “Then, come back up, you and Aharon [Aaron] with you.” I’m sure that the mountain did not have a clear cut path at that time. I’m also sure that a violently shaking earthquake caused loose dirt and falling rocks. Yet, we never hear of Moses stumbling or slipping, with nothing more than sandals to protect his feet. He was already eighty years old yet up and down that desert mountain he traveled–with no water stops or park benches to rest at. If God calls you to it, He will see you through it.