Don’t Miss Your Turn

“Whoever is unsure of himself turn in here!” (Proverbs 9:4) Those are the words of Wisdom. If you’re traveling on the road with me, be prepared to take evasive action as I slam the brakes and crank the wheel, proving how unsure of myself I truly am. 

It didn’t take long for my temper to get in my way that day. As soon as my brain picked up on the lack of respect coming from my grandson, the pressure began to build and so did his disrespect. He had a rebuttal for everything I said and he shared it while I was still talking. Have you ever been there? Have you ever disrespected God in the same way? I have.

I’ve made excuses, ignored him, pointed my finger at others, but God didn’t raise His voice at me. He didn’t slam a door or stomp off in anger. No, quite the opposite. The Lord still speaks softly to me, He is patient with me, and He waits. He doesn’t argue with me and He doesn’t let me disrupt his peace. 

As Christians, we are taught to always strive to become more Christ-like. “Anyone who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it is committing a sin.” (James 4:17) If that doesn’t make you feel unsure of yourself, you probably need to re-examine your own walk. You may not lose your temper easily but do you always listen to and follow Father’s directions without your own emotions getting in the way? 

I know Jesus would have been more understanding than I, after all, He stood by quietly that night letting me throw my fit. In the end, I behaved just as my grandson did: “I’m sorry, can we start over?” I said, “Yes,” with a huge hug. So did Father. If you are also unsure of yourself turn quickly at Wisdom’s detour sign.