Giving Thanks

“By your strength you set up the mountains. You are clothed with power. You still the roaring of the seas, the crashing waves, and the peoples’ turmoil. This is why those living at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your signs. The places where the sun rises and sets you cause to sing for joy.” (Psalm 65:6 (7)-8 (9))

Where are the ends of the earth? Are we not those who are living there? Is there a place on earth that the sun fails to rise and set upon? The living will stand in awe and the places will sing with joy. Do you listen for the song of the place where you are? Perhaps it’s the birds, frogs, rain, wind…so many different songs all around us all the time. Have you seen a sign from God that makes you stand in awe?

Driving home alone after handing my godson back to God, I thought it would be nice to hear his voice like I did when my dad went home. But God, in his gracious way gave me a vision instead. I saw my godson standing between his mother and father. All three of them were healthy and happy, looking at me, smiling. Then each of them thanked me and the connection was gone. I tell you the truth, all the praise I received from those still living could not compare to the thank you from heaven that said I had successfully completed my godmother duty. I stand in awe with a joy-filled heart. 

I ask again, what powerful and amazing signs of God’s love do you stand in awe of? If nothing comes immediately to mind, ask Father to help you see through your heart, to become sensitive to his ways. He wants you to experience His loving-kindness to you by your awareness of His constant presence.

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the US. As you celebrate with your loved ones He appeals to all of your senses to bring your thoughts back to him; visions, sounds, smells, a touch, even a taste of home. Perhaps today is not such a happy day for you. Maybe you are one of many who will not be celebrating with people but that doesn’t have to keep you from celebrating this day with Father. Let the Spirit inside you communicate today with the soul that also resides there. Look for signs and wonders today and you will find them. 

Please be aware that today that while most are celebrating, some are falling deeper into the pit of despair and isolation. A kind word, a smile, a hug, a prayer, a seat at your table… there is always something you can do to help. Do it all with thanksgiving to our Father. 

Happy Thanksgiving!