Grab A Hose

Written November 18, 2020

In November 2018 the news reported that due to wind currents, the California wildfires could be smelled in Michigan. At that time, the deadliest fire season in history–for the United States–was devouring everything it could wrap its flames around, running ahead of the men and women with the hoses. It was reported that of the twenty deadliest fires in history, nine of them had happened in the prior year. 

It isn’t just fires that are getting more violent–it’s all around us: hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, winds, and people–although people have always had a violent streak. Have you ever considered why God chose this time in history for your life to play out? It is not by chance that we are sharing this earth at the same time. We were each handpicked for this era. It’s easy to look at those who have gone before us and think: “I should have lived in that time period.” But Father has a real purpose for you–now.

You are a warrior if you are on Team Jesus. You aren’t here to live in a fairytale world of rainbows and unicorns. You are here to stomp on the enemy’s head through the power of Christ. How? In whatever way the Lord sends you today. Does that excite you or do you feel unequipped? The first thing to do is dress like a warrior: put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of trust, and the helmet of salvation; the dress code described in Ephesians 6:14-17. Take a deep breath and be strengthened by the Father’s words spoken through Moses: “ADONAI [the Lord]–it is he who will go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you, so don’t be afraid or downhearted.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Armor up today, you are protected and loved!