Happy Holidays?

It’s the month of November and change is in the air. Around my home, the leaves have taken on their vibrant colors and most have fallen from the trees. The air is turning colder, heaters are turned on, snow is in the forecast and people are beginning to prepare for winter–and the holidays. Some radio stations are playing only Christmas music and the shopping centers have geared up for an onslaught of customers. People are preparing to fill their tables for Thanksgiving and seeking the perfect Christmas gifts. Excitement is growing in the hearts of many as they consider the upcoming family gatherings. It’s hectic around our home as we also celebrate two birthdays during the season. It’s the most wonderful time of the year according to the song of the same name. Or is it?

Several years ago I managed a store in a shopping mall. Observing the excited shoppers, I noticed many mothers and daughters together; smiling, laughing–bonding. Of course, not everyone was having such a good time but I noticed the joyful ladies the most. Why? Because that’s what my heart longed for. I wanted to shop with my mom, but the Lord called her home early. I had an empty place where my silent tears poured out. I still had family to share with but loneliness crept through my heart–I missed my mom.

Depression is a huge issue at this time of year, and this year will be especially hard for many. Those who fall into its trap tend to silently slip from view and many this year will decide to end their misery. Pay attention to people. I can’t forget my dad’s words concerning my brother’s actions when he shot himself: “He said he’d never hurt me that way–but he did.” “ADONAI is near those with broken hearts; he saves those whose spirit is crushed.” (Psalm 34:18) Ask God to make you more aware with spiritual insight. Be a suicide-preventer by loving the lonely this season, even if it must be by phone or video chat. ALL lives matter to Jesus and as His follower, they should all matter to you as well. 1-800-223-8255–suicide prevention hotline.