
Most people are tired of hearing about covid 19 and I am one of them. But we can’t just bury our heads and ignore it, well, I suppose some do but if you aren’t a part of the solution you are a part of the problem. I had an appointment with my primary doctor, a scheduled annual physical. It was the first time, but likely not the last, that my appointment happened over the phone. 

It was almost as if I sat beside him in the office with a few exceptions; he couldn’t listen to my heart or lungs, my reflexes weren’t checked, nor my blood pressure. I also didn’t spend two and a half hours on the road or sit in the office waiting to be called back. His assistant called me first, right when I was scheduled and ten minutes later the doctor called. It was a convenient appointment although not very thorough for an annual exam. I was told that the blood work, mammogram, and flu shot; all of the routine tests, can be done in three, four, five, or six months, however long it takes to get through this virus pandemic. 

Jesus told the people: “A time is coming–indeed it has already come–when you will be scattered, each one looking out for himself, and you will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone: because the Father is with me.” (John 16:32) I heard an anchor on a news program say: “It almost seems that we’re in the middle of a horrible Hollywood movie.” I laughed out loud! The Book describing the horror we are living was written long before Hollywood started making movies.

We have all been instructed to stay home–self-quarantine, but the Bible says: “If someone won’t work, he shouldn’t eat! We hear some of you are living a life of idleness–not busy working, just busybodies!” (2 Thessalonians 3:10-11) Has your job closed down leaving you currently at home wondering how to spend your time? The pace of life has slowed to a crawl for many–a great opportunity to do things at home, perhaps rediscover the people in your home.

It’s a great time to give Father more time. “Now may the Lord of shalom [peace] himself give you shalom always in all ways. The Lord be with you all.” (2 Thessalonians 3:16)