It’s Your Move

“I have come as a light into the world, so that everyone who trusts in me might not remain in the dark,” Jesus said. “If anyone hears what I am saying and does not observe it, I don’t judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” (John 12:46) Jesus came to a dark world covered in sin to shine the light on his Father and to save the world through love. We could never save ourselves. We could never be good enough to cover our own sin–not while we live on this planet.

One day you will stand in God’s courtroom, as the defendant “because the Accuser of our brother, who accuses them day and night before God,” wants nothing more than for you to be cast down from God’s presence. But, salvation through Christ makes Jesus your defense attorney. He stands beside you and answers for you– “I have already paid the price. My blood has covered every sin of this beloved soul.” “They defeated him [Satan] because of the Lamb’s blood.” (Revelation 12:11)

Nothing but the blood of Jesus could make us clean enough to even stand in God’s presence. That blood, shed on behalf of all of us who would humbly accept it as payment for our salvation, will make you so clean the Spirit himself will come and make his home in your heart here and one day, carry you to your eternal home. Praise God and thank you, Jesus! When you are covered in the blood you hold the key to eternal life and the fountain of youth where death and illness have met their end. 

Have you ever played a game of chance such as Sorry, Trouble, or Aggravation? The object of these games is to make it safely home while being chased and to knock your opponent off the path on the way. You can’t help but feel joy and freedom when you round the corner to your home base. Even if you’ve never played one of those games you are probably very familiar with the feelings of being sorry, troubled, and aggravated as the enemy chases you through life, but no matter what road you traveled to get there you are safe when you reach home.

You get to choose today, to move at the command of the dice or to move at the command of Jesus. Who are you running from and where are you running to? Choose wisely, this life is not a game that you can lose and play again.