
Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? It can be a hard read with all of the laws it lays down. In chapter nineteen alone, there are at least twenty-two “Do not,” statements. There are also four “Do,” statements: “Every one of you is to revere his father and mother, and you are to keep my Shabbats [Sabbaths].”(Leviticus 19:3)  “Observe my regulations.” (Leviticus 19:19) “Keep my Shabbats and honor my sanctuary.” (Leviticus 19:30) “Stand up in the presence of a person with gray hair, show respect for the old.” (Leviticus 19:32) God is serious about respect for your parents, older people, and his sanctuary.

Observing the ways of today’s world, respect seems to have hit bottom. It’s commonplace to become frustrated–to the point of anger sometimes–when an older person moves or drives too slowly and you’re in a hurry; when they can’t hear or understand what you are trying to tell them; when you want to live your own life but you are too busy providing care for someone who can no longer do it for themselves.

I hear people say, “Well, he never shows me any respect…respect has to be earned.”   Well, that’s not what the Lord says. He says respect my old folks, respect your parents, and respect my sanctuary. He never added, “If they earn it.” What about an older person who puts you down, yells at you, treats you unkindly? Respect; there is no escape clause. Imagine a world that commonly stands in the presence of gray-haired people. We have become far too self-centered.

Did you notice the Sabbath was listed twice? Whenever God repeats Himself He wants you to pay special attention. “Keep my Shabbats,” “Keep my Shabbats.” Why is that so important? The Sabbath day is intended for your refreshment and an all-day visit with your Father. He knows we need it or we’ll burn out and it’s the best opportunity to chat with Him. Come empty into his presence, leave overflowing. Do you respect God’s rules? It’s not too late to start. We can’t do it on our own but God sent Jesus to cover our shortfall and through His mercy and grace, we are able to carry out the Father’s will.