Spoiled Rich Kids

Do you live in the United States? If yes, you are probably a spoiled little rich kid and don’t even realize it. Did you sleep in a bed last night? Over 150 million people don’t even have a home to put a bed in. Do you have the ability to draw water from the tap to quench your thirst? 2.1 billion people in our world don’t have safe drinking water. Did you flip off a light when you went to bed last night? 2.1 billion people live without electricity. Was your last paycheck disappointing? Over 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 per day–under $1000 for the entire year. How often do you use the internet? 52% of the world doesn’t even have access. Do you have a college degree? 93.9% of your fellow men don’t. The statistics continue to change slightly and it’s true that some people choose to live without some of these things, but not the majority.


Most of us have more than most of the world, yet we act as if we are not getting our fair share. What would it look like if God played Robin Hood? What if he took from all of us to give others their fair share? An acquaintance once said, after returning from a lengthy mission trip, “America is a five-star hotel, and we don’t even know it.” 


The Word says, “Be careful to guard against all forms of greed, because even if someone is rich, his life does not consist in what he owns.” (Luke 12:15) “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” ( Matthew 6:33) How has God spoiled you? Don’t forget to say, “Thank you, Father.