Are you enjoying a smooth Christian walk or do you stumble, trip, and tumble? I am a stumbling, tripping tumbler. I could be tempted to feel like a failure if it weren’t for Father’s Word, which tells me it’s all part of the plan: “He is a stone that will make people stumble, a rock over which they will trip. They are stumbling at the Word, disobeying it–as had been planned.” (1 Peter 2:8) Do you ever wonder how this crazy plan of the Lord’s is going to work out?
“He is there to be a sanctuary. But for both houses of Isra’el he will be a stone to stumble over, a rock obstructing their way; a trap and a snare for the inhabitants of Yerushalyim [Jerusalem]. Many of them will stumble and fall, be broken and trapped and captured.” (Isaiah 8:14-15) When I consider those three words; broken, trapped, and captured, my mind goes to the drug epidemic currently holding so many of our hearts captive. Pills, needles, powders, and booze seem to be acceptable as a way to cope for many. It’s a quick-fix–enough substance abuse will cause your mind to forget your issues, for a time. But it’s like a Band-aid trying to hold back a river.
Why would Father plan for us to disobey and fall? So that he can pick us up, dust us off, powerwash our hearts and shine our souls. He desires to cover us with mercy, which we would not need if we didn’t break the rules. He tells us that we are a chosen people, but why? “In order for you to declare the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9) Is that part of your plan today–to go out and declare His goodness? When that becomes the goal of your daily walk you will know you have tumbled into Father’s loving arms.
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I stumble, but then I ask God to forgive me. He does!!! I Praise You Mighty God, for forgiving me and picking me up. Hallelujah!!!
I know my son and grandson needs it.