The Book of Life…do you believe it exists? God mentions this book throughout the Bible. What do you imagine is contained within His book? Perhaps a list of names? Do you expect your name to be inside? If yes, do you imagine it’s your earthly name or your new name that no one will know but you? “I will also give him a white stone, on which is written a new name that nobody knows except the one receiving it.”  (Revelation 2:17) Maybe you picture both names. Have you ever realized that God’s Book of Life holds more than names?

“You have kept count of my wanderings; store my tears in your waterskin–aren’t they already recorded in your book?” (Psalm 56:9 (8)) Every tear that has ever fallen from your eyes has been written in the book beside your name. I think about that huge waterskin full of my own tears and wonder what he plans to do with it.

I’m sure it’s different for everyone because he treats each of us as though we were the only one. “I will acknowledge each one individually before my Father and before his angels.” (Revelation 3:5) I’m a water baby so I imagine a huge bottle of tears filling a pool with crystal clear water, waiting for me to dive into, swim around in and enjoy every tear that I have ever shed after God’s filter turned them into living water.

Spend a little time imagining what God might do with your tears. He’s saving them up for something wonderful, far more wonderful than anything you can possibly think up in your human mind. So imagine and enjoy and be amazed when you see how the sadness of your heart can become the beauty of your eternal life.