The Bow On Top

I’m a person who loves color, bright and vivid color. Rainbows are one of my favorite things to look at. If I’m driving and a rainbow appears, I become quite distracted. I have a difficult time looking back at the road and have been known to pull over and stare. Does a rainbow mean anything special to you?

We are taught the order of colors is always: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. But according to Triteamdan, a certified educator, “There are actually many more colors in the rainbow than we have names for. Our eyes are capable of distinguishing millions of individual shades of colors! What many people called ‘blue’ in the rainbow is actually cyan…The actual pure blue is what Newton, unfortunately, referred to as ‘indigo.’” So the colors more accurately are red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and violet. Should a second rainbow appear the colors will be opposite.’

Do you know when the first rainbow appeared? It was when Noah was safely on the ground after the flood. Do you know that every rainbow has a purpose? God said, “Here is the sign of the covenant I am making between myself and you and every living creature with you, for all generations to come: I am putting my rainbow in the cloud–it will be there as a sign of the covenant between myself and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth, and the rainbow is seen in the cloud; I will remember my covenant…and the water will never again become a flood to destroy all living beings.” (Genesis 9:12-17)

Scientists will explain how it happens by reflection and refraction but God explains why it happens. The next time you see a rainbow let it urge you to thank God for his beautiful reminder of the covenant promise made to all the earth–and smile!