What Is Shabbat?

Are you too busy to recognize a Sabbath day in your week? Does your job require or offer work every day? Are you in a financial bind–feeling that you must work as much as possible, even if it means months without a day off? Do you dream of a day to just rest? Do you know how God feels about it? “You are to keep my Shabbat (Sabbath) because it is set apart for you.” (Exodus 31:14) God commands us to take that day every week to refresh ourselves while we become drenched in His love.

He created Sabbath for us–to keep our bodies from exhaustion and bring our focus back to where it belongs. And the Lord is quite serious about it. “Everyone who treats it as ordinary must be put to death; for whoever does any work on it is to be cut off from his people.” (Exodus 31:14) That seems pretty severe–after all, there are always good reasons in your mind to just keep pushing on. Who will put food in the house, or pay the utilities, buy clothes, pay for the car, the house, the kid’s braces…? “My God will fill every need of yours according to his glorious wealth, in union with the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus),” (Philippians 4:19) if you use that day as intended, by resting from labor while placing yourself in God’s presence for the day.

Many people want that day just for themselves–to do the things that entertain them or to sleep. God is not asking us to just zone out for a day. He wants us to zone in on Him for at least one day every week. “Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) “On six days work will get done; but the seventh is Shabbat, for complete rest, set aside for Adonai [the Lord].” (Exodus 31:15) If you are faithful in dedicating the Sabbath to a family reunion with God you will see His promise in action in your life. He gave you life, He deserves your attention.