Where On Earth Is The Ark?

Where on earth is the holy ark of God? Many have searched for it while many more have run from it. The Philistines, after seven months of holding the ark captive, sent it away to Gath. But, “after it arrived there, ADONAI [the Lord] oppressed that city, causing terrible panic.” (1 Samuel 5:9) The people of Gath responded, “Send the ark of the God of Isra’el away!” When the ark came rolling into Joshua’s field, the excited harvesters stopped what they were doing and with great joy, the Levites placed the ark on a rock and began to bring burnt offerings and sacrifices. But, when God slaughtered 50,070 of the men because they looked at the ark, the people said, “Who can stand before ADONAI, this holy God? To whom can we send it to get it away from us?” (1 Samuel 6:20)

In the Old Testament, the ark was known as the place where the presence of God lived among the people. In the New Testament God chose to send his presence in the form of Jesus. He also was chased from one place to another with the crowd shouting, “Crucify him!” After Jesus returned to the Father, his Spirit went out to inhabit the hearts of those who became believers.

Do you consider yourself to be an ark of the presence of the living God? You may not have access to Aaron’s rod or the preserved manna but the commandments are written on your heart. Does that thought cause you to live differently? “If you will serve only him, he will rescue you from the power of the P’lishtim [Philistines].” (1 Samuel 7:3) What or who are the Philistines in your life? Do you need to be rescued? “Direct your heart to ADONAI.” Your safe passage is guaranteed. “Let those redeemed by ADONAI say it.” (Psalm 107:2)

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