Who Will You Call On?

I saw an acquaintance post on social media about a major life event. She was asking for prayer and on her own she prayed to God, Buddha, Zeus, and to all the other gods, just to cover her bases. How well do you think that prayer went over with God? 

The God I choose to follow lives not only in every believer but also within the pages of a book called the Bible. He says: “Pay attention to everything I have said to you; do not invoke the names of other gods or even let them be heard crossing your lips.” (Exodus 23:13) Are you secure enough in your faith to know who to direct your prayers to? The instruction manual makes it clear: “Let us confidently approach the throne from which God gives grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16) “And there is but one Mediator between God and humanity, Yeshua the Messiah [Jesus].” (1 Timothy 2:5) Do you believe the Bible is God’s truth or just a fantastic story that was rumored to be true?

If you dig you will find substantial proof of the events written of. There are hard copied documents, Jewish manuscripts, artifacts, and the ultimate evidence of what happens to people when they read it. If you’ve read the Book, you are probably a walking testimony to what change looks like. If you haven’t read it, I strongly suggest you put it at the top of your must-do list. If you have trouble reading grab a digital copy and listen.

You need to be aware that “many false prophets will appear and fool many people.” (Matthew 24:11) You need to verify for yourself that you are not being fooled by untruths. They may come from someone you trust the most who may not even realize they are wrong. Use the Scripture addresses to read for yourself, so you will know the truth. 

When you pray, remember that when Christ died the veil tore in two (Mark 15:38) and we were given direct access to the Father through Jesus. Jesus and His Spirit are our only intercessors and the Father is our only target for prayer. They alone and together cover your bases. Who will you call on?