Are You A Warrior?

Have you ever felt that Satan was hindering you from completing a task for the Lord? Chances are yes if you ever put your heart into it. Many people, unfortunately, do not believe in things they cannot see or rationalize. The forces of the unseen, spiritual world cannot be overestimated. The battle is raging already for the collection of team players for both sides. If your heart is already sealed for Christ the enemy will not be able to steal you away, however, that doesn’t stop him from trying to make you ineffective. 

Each hurdle he places in front of you is another chance to cause you enough frustration to give up. The less you talk about Jesus, the less you do for His name, the more time Satan has to pull the unsaved people around you into his trap. About a year ago I struggled through just such a trial.

As a writer and a blogger, I depend on my computer every day. When the hard drive failed I got right on it, ordering a new one and arranging to have a friend, with over twenty years of experience, replace it so I wouldn’t mess anything up. It would be quick and easy I was assured. 

And I truly believe it should have been that easy for her. In my mind, I could see the Adversary getting excited about holding my computer hostage. He knew how important that piece of equipment was in my daily work. If he could keep it from me perhaps it would be enough to cause a disruption that would shut me up for a while.

The first struggle for my friend was an unbelievably hard time getting inside the case. What should have taken a few hours took four days. However, years ago Father promised me that whenever I reached into the toolbox I would find what I needed. I continued on using a tablet, not without frustration and extra time but the messages went out. 

In front of my desk is a wall full of sticky note reminders. I noticed one had fallen–it must have come from the toolbox: “I am not unemployed. I am not retired. I AM a Kingdom Warrior–an alien on this planet with one cause–to turn hearts for God.” The spiritual beings in our world are alive and active. “Be strong, be bold, don’t be afraid or frightened of them, for ADONAI your God is going with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6) Walk in victory today!