The Art Of Creation

Are you a crafter or an artist? I have a friend who created a fantastic mosaic out of scrap paper to be the image of her two boys. It turned out to be a very realistic resemblance that she painstakingly put together one tiny piece at a time. She posted pictures so others could see. She received many well-deserved compliments. 

One of the arts I enjoy is crocheting. I take strands of yarn and turn them into something else. When I make a blanket it is created one stitch at a time. Every so often I will spread it out to see how far I’ve come. I like to show others what I’m doing because I’m proud of what is becoming of the yarn I started with. Once it’s finished and tied off I like to relax in a chair with it snuggled around me, enjoying the fruits of my labor.

It’s hard to make any money from these projects. People don’t normally want to pay what you feel is fair, after the endless hours of tedious work.

Have you ever thought of Father as a crafter or artist? He is the Master Creator. He started with dust! “Then ADONAI, God, formed a person from the dust on the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that he became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7) But, He didn’t just make a prototype and call it good. He creates each person individually, paying special attention to details. He designs everything from the color and thickness of your hair to the length of your big toe.

However, Father is also an author. He has a story written for each of his precious creations. The blankets I make just lay around waiting for someone to pick them up and use them. Father gives each of us the ability to go to Him at will. We don’t have to just lay on the couch waiting for someone to pick us up. Father desires us to be used. We weren’t made to sit on a shelf looking pretty and collecting dust. We were created with great detail to be used for a purpose that Father has predetermined. 

Perhaps the best creation of all is the laundry detergent for humans that started as the blood of Christ.

He takes pride in the fruits of his labor–you are a beautiful creation.