Calling All Angels

A chime of angels hangs from my ceiling at the entrance to my kitchen, which has an angel theme throughout. I taught my grandkids, whenever the chime was rung, to resound the phrase, “Calling all angels.” It’s been a pivotal point in their lives as they grow tall enough to call the angels without help, a neverending joy for me to hear. It brings a sense of peace to the room as I envision angels surrounding us. God, knowing we are going to ring the bell, always sends them in advance. Nothing bad has ever happened when the angel chime was set in motion.

Outside hangs a much larger chime with a beautiful tone I love to listen to. It rings out often as the winds grow stronger on the earth, at least in my part of the world. I get a different sort of comfort from the outdoor chime. It reminds me of God’s promise: The Son of Man “will send out his angels with a great shofar [trumpet]; and they will gather together his chosen people from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” (Matthew 24:31) The strong and powerful wind is not threatening if you are grounded in Christ. 

But, before that event, “there will appear false messiahs and prophets performing great miracles–amazing things!–so as to fool even the chosen, if possible. There! I have told you in advance!” (Matthew 24:24-25) Don’t listen to anyone who even hints that another man is Messiah. “For when the Son of Man does come, it will be like lightning that flashes out of the east and fills the sky to the western horizon…. The sun will grow dark, the moon will stop shining, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers in heaven will be shaken.” (Matthew 24:27-29)

Don’t be afraid of missing Jesus’ return. Every living thing on earth and in heaven will know at once the tremendous power and glory of Jesus! What sounds turn your thoughts to Heaven?