Don’t Do It!

I believe someone needs to see this today:

Have you been affected by suicide? Over a decade ago the World Health Organization reported about 3,000 people take their own lives and another 60,000 may attempt–per day, and those numbers just keep climbing. The highest risk age group is fifteen to twenty-five, but my brother was fifty and my girlfriend was fifty-four, both of them depressed since childhood. I was shocked to reality when the doctor put my seven-year-old son on suicide watch after my mom had died. My son said he wished that he had died when Gramma did; the doctor said he wasn’t too young! In fact, research shows that five years old is not too young!

Chances are there is someone you are connected to that is so depressed they are just one tip of the scale away from making that choice. Christianity Today writes: “Young people kill themselves mainly for one reason: they cannot believe their lives are precious enough to make them worth living. Despair, hopelessness, self-loathing–these are the killers.” Have you ever felt like ending your own life? Many of us have at some point in our lives considered that option. Most of us never carry it out but how can you be sure who is serious? You can’t.

I can’t say it any better than Billy Graham whose words are recorded on his website: “If someone who is reading this is contemplating suicide, I beg you to reconsider and seek help for whatever your problem may be. God loves you–whether you believe it or not–and he does not want you to end your life. Satan does, however–and you must not listen to him. Put your faith and hope in Christ and his love for you. You are never alone if you know him, because “nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39)

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number is 1-800-273-8255, it may save a life–maybe your own.