Fishing With Jesus

From the archive:

Do you invite Jesus to join you in your leisure activities? It was a beautiful spring day and a free fishing weekend in Michigan when we cleaned the pontoon boat and took it out for the first time of the season. We caught a few fish but my eight-year-old grandson soon became frustrated because he wasn’t catching as many as some of us were. I asked him if he had invited Jesus along. He gave me a quizzical look. I explained how Jesus just wants to spend time with us, no matter what we are doing, and that He also knows where all the fish are. A couple of minutes later he pulled in the largest panfish of the journey. My grandson was overjoyed not only that he caught a big fish but that Jesus responded to him so quickly.

After a short lull in the action we moved around a bit and the next thing that happened can be likened to a Bible story. With three of us fishing from different corners of the boat the fish were coming in faster than they could be taken off the hooks! The echoes of “Fish on!” came one behind the other with more fish pulled in than empty lines. The fish didn’t quit coming, but we were cold and getting hungry, so we called it a night. My grandson said, “I only asked for one big fish.” I told him that I simply invited Jesus to join us.

In the Bible story, Jesus tells Simon, “Let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “We’ve worked hard all night long, Rabbi, and haven’t caught a thing! But if you say so, I’ll let down the nets.“ (Luke 5:4-5) The result; nets so full they were ripping apart. You probably call on Jesus in times of trouble but do you invite Him for the fun times as well? He loves you enough to willingly lie down on a bloody cross so that He could share eternity with you. Don’t leave Him home alone, ask Him to drive.