Go Forward!

“Stop being so fearful! Remain steady, and you will see how ADONAI [the Lord] is going to save you–today you have seen the Egyptians, but you will never see them again!” (Exodus 14:13) The Israelites had been in Egypt for 430 years and were slaves for 400 of them. No one alive at that time knew any other kind of life. They hated it but knew no way out and didn’t trust anyone. They wanted Moses to leave them alone. Things just got worse as he tried to help.

“ADONAI will do battle for you, just calm yourselves down!” (Exodus 14:14) Calm themselves down? It must have been a riot like scene; 600,000 men of battle age, plus all the women, children and old men, caught between an angry army and a rushing sea and Moses says to remain steady and calm themselves down. Even more ridiculous to the Israelites is what God tells Moses next: “Why are you crying to me? Tell the people of Isra’el to go forward!”  (Exodus 14:15) What?!

Go forward? Do you see what is forward? Then the Almighty says, “Lift your staff, reach out with your hand over the sea, and divide it in two.” (Exodus 14:16) Try to imagine yourself in that place and time and consider the thoughts that would go through your mind. You probably know the story–how God brings a mighty east wind to wall up the sea and dry the ground. 

Now replace the Egyptians with whatever is currently the biggest fear you face. Are you struggling to hold up under the weight with no solution in sight? If God says to you, “Remain steady, ready to march, and leave the rest to me. Have no fear,” you can believe something magnificent is about to happen! If he says, “March forward,” he will clear the path for you, somehow.  “Stop being so fearful!” Your loving Father has a plan.