God Is Not Surprised

“So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27) He also created humankind with an emotion that, in my opinion, He does not possess: surprise. Many of our emotions were brought on through the fall of Adam and Eve, but I believe our original design contained the emotion of surprise, at least in its joyous form. However, the Holy Trinity is all-knowing, and therefore never surprised.

My most common response to people who contact me while they are still reeling from an attack of the enemy that they didn’t expect is, “God is not surprised and He has a plan,” Some people are tired of hearing that from me and feel it is simply a cop-out on my part. They expect more discussion, more answers, or direction from me. But I am not the one with the answers. I have only one. The all-knowing, soul-loving, peace-giving Creator of your life has a solution in place for every situation you will ever face. The emotions that fired up within us through the fall; fear, anxiety, doubt, hate: can all be quenched by drinking the Living Water of the Lord, his Word. 

I was surprised every day for five years that my old dog continued to breathe. But God knew exactly when he would take his last breath. I was told of a couple who attended a concert together. The man went to buy a t-shirt and didn’t return. His wife repeatedly called his phone until it was answered by a security officer who told her that her husband had just been murdered. Surprise! What would you say to this grieving wife? After weeping with her and allowing her tears to run dry I would tell her that God was not surprised and He has a plan. 

Whatever you face today, remember: God has already prepared the way, follow Him.