Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! In the United States this day was designated to show the special person, or people, in your life that you love them. It’s a day that causes many people to do what Father asks us to do every day: love one another. For some, it’s a very sad day. They feel they can’t celebrate it because they don’t have a significant other. But feelings don’t make it true.

If you have ever asked Jesus into your heart you have a significant other in the Lord, who not only abides with you but gave his very life so he could spend eternity with you. Vertical love is what he brings to the table. We are often so consumed with looking for love horizontally, in people who are incapable of pure love, that we miss it.

Will you base your self-worth on how special you are treated today? If someone asks you tomorrow what you got for Valentine’s Day will it cause you to feel joy or sadness, loved, or forgotten?

“But to as many as did receive him, to those who put their trust in his person and power, he gave the right to become children of God, not because of bloodline, physical impulse or human intention, but because of God.” (John 1:12-13 (9-10)) Remember the Lover of your soul and share the day with him. Whatever the rest of your day holds it can’t compare to the gift you have already been given. If you feel alone and forgotten, or loved and cherished, get to the table of your heart. Jesus has prepared something special, just for you. 

Happy Valentine’s Day!