I Need You

I was streaming a Christian radio station on a long drive home after a pressure-packed two weeks. I was in deep thought, jamming with Toby Mac as he sang, “Oh Lord I need you–I need you.” Suddenly the connection was lost and the music stopped. I heard a voice say, “I need you to decompress.” I took a deep breath in and pushed it out letting my neck and shoulders roll. Immediately the music came back– “I need you.” 

I knew that the God who’s words alone created an entire world full of life, took the time to tap me on the shoulder and tell me to breathe for it was finished. Me–out of all of the people He could be paying attention to, He chose me. But the wonderful, amazing part is that He chose to walk this life not only with me but with everyone who is willing to take His hand. He is omnipresent, everywhere at the same time, doing something different in each heart. 

He desires to pour out His loving-kindness in whatever way each of us needs and He knows what that is better than we do. For me, at that moment it was just a breath and a reminder that He is still the One in control and He will guide me home. Take time to listen today and let Him tell you what you need instead of you telling Him– “because your father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:8)