I’m Scared

King Zedekiah ruled Judah during the time of the prophet Jeremiah. He acknowledged the fact that Jeremiah had the Lord’s ear but neither he nor anyone else in the land paid any attention to the instruction Jeremiah brought back–even when it was requested. Zedekiah was not a strong king, in fact, the leaders of the city seemed to hold power over him. 

When Jeremiah, at the king’s request, consulted with the Lord, he brought back this message: “Here is what ADONAI says: whoever remains in this city will die by sword, famine and plague; but whoever leaves and surrenders to the Kasdim (Chaldeans) will stay alive. ADONAI says that this city will certainly be handed over to the army of the king of Bavel, and he will capture it.” (Jeremiah 38:2) The city officials were outraged at the suggestion to surrender and asked Zedekiah for permission to kill the prophet. The king answered: “All right, he is in your hands; for the king can’t prevent you from doing as you please.” (Jeremiah 38:5) They threw Jeremiah into a cistern full of mud, which he sank into.

Eved-Melakh, one of the king’s officers, overheard what they were doing. He went to the king and said: “My lord, king! What these men have done to Yirmeyahu the prophet is evil.” (Jeremiah 38:9) He asked for permission to rescue him and King Zedekiah instructed him to take thirty men with him, rescue Jeremiah, and sneak him into the guard’s quarters, where he remained.

Soon Zedekiah summoned him again, hoping to hear better news. His answer was the same: “If you will go out and surrender to the king of Bavel’s officers, then you will stay alive–this city will not be burned down; and you and your family will live.” (Jeremiah 38:17) But Zedekiah answered: “I am afraid of the Judeans who deserted to the Kasdim. The Kasdim might hand me over to them, and they would mistreat me.” (Jeremiah 38:19) Jeremiah begged him to listen and described the horror he would endure if he failed to, which included watching his city burn. Zedekiah chose fear of the people over fear of Father and he paid dearly.

Can you think of a time in your own life that what your eyes saw carried more weight than what your heart heard from the Lord? How did that turn out for you? Listen and respond to the One who gives you life. All of His words will prove to be true, put your trust in Him.