Can you imagine the world before electricity? For centuries the world ran on God’s time clock. “You made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to set. You bring darkness; the time when all forest animals prowl. The young lions roar after their prey and seek their food from God. The sun rises, and they slink away and lie down to rest in their dens; while people go out to their work, laboring on till evening.” (Psalm 104:19-23)
There was never a question of what shift you would work–there was only one–sunrise to sunset. They had candles so they could navigate in the dark but they were dim in comparison to the light of day, so unless you were a night watchman or something similar, you would have worked in the light God provided– the length of your day to be determined by him. There were no double shifts or mandatory overtime to tear you down or keep you from being home in the evening with your family.
Electricity was first discovered in 1879. We’ve had manmade light for our entire lives; we’ve always depended on something that a human inventor created. As little as one and a half centuries ago, there was no choice but to look to God for a bright light–no switches on the wall, buttons to push, or chains to pull. But they didn’t need anything more.
“You water the mountains from your palace; the earth is satisfied with how you provide–you grow grass for the cattle; and for the people you grow the plants they need to bring forth bread from the earth, wine that gladdens the human heart, oil to make faces glow and food to sustain their strength.” (Psalm 104:13-15) Electricity and technology allow us to accomplish so much more in a day but they also make it more difficult to be still before the Lord. Take time today to sing praise to your God, rejoice with the Lord and bless him from your soul. If this encourages you please share.