New Math

Does your heart long for more? It seems to be human nature to want more and more of the things we enjoy. Sometimes less is more. Less alcohol brings more clarity of mind. Less smoking makes for more air space in your lungs. Less talking leaves more time for listening. Less reality TV  may mean more time for family and living your own reality. 

Less time thinking of yourself leaves more time to think of good things– “focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, loveable or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy.” (Philippians 4:8) What you feed your mind, your heart will believe. Dwell on positive things and you will always be able to find something to be thankful for. 

Spend less time squeezing every second out of your day and more time sitting in a quiet space with the Lord. He’ll direct your steps with the tasks He has for you. Just because something needs doing doesn’t mean it is yours to do. He knows you are only one person and you have human limitations. With Christ, there is nothing you can’t do (Philippians 4:13) but don’t go where He isn’t leading you. If you always say yes to people, you may find yourself too busy for God.

Time is short; use it well. Allow your heart the time and space it needs to sit with the Lord who is the fulfillment of all good things. Let your desire for more be focused on Him and He will direct your steps into the future you never dreamed possible. (Proverbs 3:6) Take your thoughts captive today if they are running through your space unattended. Clear the clutter and prepare a chair for Christ, the throne chair.