There are consequences to everything. Do you share your home with a dog? Dogs are wonderful companions but they come with a cost that goes far beyond money. They are interrupters infringing on your time and energy. They aren’t considerate when they want to go out. You can choose not to let them out but you may have a mess to clean up–a consequence. There are consequences for doing and for failure to do, for speaking and failure to speak, for staying in or going out, for choosing to live for yourself, or to live for God.
In the Bible, we read about two kings of ancient times. The Spirit of God fell on Saul at the start of his life as a king. But he became a man of selfish pride, choosing his own path of destruction. His consequence was to face a brutal death at the hands of the Philistine’s or kill himself–he chose suicide, by falling on his own sword. (1 Samuel 31:4) King Nebuchadnezzar was introduced to the power of God through the prophet Daniel and declared: “Your God is indeed the God of god’s, the Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets.” (Daniel 2:47) He later became full of pride, declaring about Babel “I built it as a royal residence by my power and force to enhance the glory of my majesty.” (Daniel 4:27(30)) His consequence was seven years of living in the fields, eating grass like an ox.
But when he lifted his eyes to heaven he faced another consequence. “My understanding came back to me…my majesty and splendor also came back to me.” (Daniel 4:31 (34)) “I was re-established in my kingdom, and to my previous greatness, even more, was added.” (Daniel 4:33 (36))
There will be consequences to your choices today. Who will you honor from your heart? Choose wisely.
I want to honor God!!! But sometimes I forget to ask Him. Forgive me Lord. Guide me give me ears to hear You. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Amen ❣️
My God is strengthen me and holding me up with His Righteous Right Hand!
I will honor God