Shout For Joy!

“Shout for joy to ADONAI  [the Lord], all the earth! Break forth, sing for joy, sing praises!” (Psalm 98:4) “With trumpets and the sound of the shofar [horn], shout with joy before the king, ADONAI!” (Psalm 98:6) Can you picture in your mind, a time long ago, when somewhere in the wilderness the whole community came together–with horns, stringed instruments, and loud shouts of joy to the Lord? It must have been a glorious occasion. But what about today?

What would you think in today’s “civilized” world if you saw that sort of behavior? Would you participate or stay on the other side of the road? I have a friend who did exactly that. She is the proud owner of a shofar, a ram’s horn, which she brought along on a prayer walk at the local jail. She and I were joined by a new believer who was eager but uncomfortable doing a verbal prayer in a public setting. Suddenly, without warning, the other lady started blowing her shofar and shouting for joy! How do you think you would have felt if you had been with us? 

It was a beautiful day with the park behind us and the county jail in front. The ram’s horn and the lady blowing it drew attention to our trio. The three of us, while together, were on very different places in our walk with the Lord. Our younger companion was not prepared–she would have run if her legs would have moved. I, on the other hand, was encouraged by the freedom and expression the lady with the shofar allowed the Holy Spirit to have over her life. She was filled with overwhelming joy from the Spirit and began to “shout for joy before the king.” 

She was simply living out the Psalm word for word. God wants us to rise up and cause a scene of joyful praise to Him. Pray for courage to stand or better yet: lead.