Start In The Heart

Consider two homeowners who decide to do makeovers at the same time. One started on the outside and the other began on the inside. The man who started outside worked diligently, giving his home fresh paint, a new roof, trimming the bushes and mowing the lawn. People noticed right away they began to praise him for his hard work that was making the neighborhood more attractive. The praise felt good – it energized him. He worked day and night not even stopping to eat. Soon his neighbors just began to expect him to keep up the pace. But his lack of nutrition caught up with him and he fell exhausted on the ground. Meanwhile, the grass grew tall and shaggy, weeds covered the beauty again…

The other man started on the inside in the heart of his home – the kitchen. As he worked his way through cupboards and past the fridge he would get hungry. The neighbors could not see what he was doing inside his home, no one called to praise him. The only thing calling him was the food he was surrounded by. When he sat to eat in his kitchen, which was taking on a new feel from the remodel, he was still satisfied with his progress as he looked around. He wasn’t moving for a while but his work did not fall apart when he stopped for food.

Our bodies are like houses. If you strive to look good to your neighbors first by how hard you work and the changes you make on the outside, you will find yourself in an over weeded, tangled mess. But if you start inside in the heart of your kingdom, it may take others longer to notice but you will be able to continue your project because you have food to sustain you and a housemate (the Holy Spirit) who loves what He sees so much, He will overfill you with joy in a way your neighbors praises never will. “Seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness.” (Matthew 6:33) Spend some time in the kitchen with the Lord and your cravings will be satisfied.