The Price Was Already Paid

My dad used to be a stickler about always eating dessert if it came with a meal. After all, he had paid the price for it. Have you ever considered the price that was paid to ransom your life? Have you personalized it yet or do you think it was paid for other, more important people, and you just happened to fall into the mix? Jesus would have paid even if YOU were the only one who would have been saved. You are that important to Him.

It cost Jesus his very life. What more could be given? However, it has been done! The price has already been paid. Jesus tells us that he will repay us for gracious giving in our own lives. “The full measure, compacted, shaken together and overflowing, will be put right in your lap.” (Luke 6:38) At times that may overwhelm you. You may feel unworthy and try to refuse His gifts because they are too expensive and you don’t deserve them. You would be justified in feeling that way because you don’t deserve them, that’s what grace is–giving you something you don’t deserve. And it was very expensive!

However, if you refuse the gifts they will go to waste. They were offered only to you. If you accept, He will always give you so much extra you will have to share. There will not be enough room inside you to contain all of His blessings.

Receive with thanksgiving His unstoppable, overflowing love that paid the blood money to buy your forgiveness and redemption. Don’t look at Him and say, “I have no room for You.” If you feel like that you are too full of yourself. “The fact is, you don’t belong to yourselves; for you were bought at a price.” (1 Corinthians 6:20) Empty yourself of you and be filled by the Savior.