What To Read?

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Do you take for granted the possessions you have accumulated, diminishing their value?  It’s an easy thing to do in the U.S. because we live in a land of plenty. Our land flows with milk and honey–things the Israelites only dreamed about for decades. We have enjoyed peace within our borders for the majority of our lives but how many of us remember to thank Father for our comfort? We aren’t any more special than war-torn countries around the world but we are privileged children who are too spoiled to realize it, most of the time. 

In America, we have an average of 4.4 Bibles in our homes while approximately 250 million people, worldwide, do not have a Bible they can read. What sort of things do you like to read the most? According to Statista.com, 47% of Americans prefer the mystery, thriller, crime genre–only 20% choose spiritual or religious material. LifeWay Research reports: “Americans have a positive view of the Bible and many say the Christian scriptures are filled with moral lessons for today. However, more than half of Americans have read little or none of the Bible.” 

Are mysteries, thrills, and crimes what you prefer to fill your mind with? “All you who are thirsty, come to the water!” (Isaiah 55:1) You will not find anything more mysterious, thrilling, and filled with crime, than the story between the covers of the Bible. But, unlike other books or movies, you don’t simply learn “who done it,” and move on. The Bible fills you and changes you. It’s where our Creator comes alive through the written word, to capture your mind and heart and to save your soul.

It’s the history book where you will find His story and yours. If your Bibles are on shelves, gathering dust, open one and see what has been written about you: mystery, thrills, crimes, redemption, love.