Who Do You Trust?

“ADONAI (the Lord), God, said to the woman, ‘What is this you have done?’ The woman answered, ‘The serpent tricked me, so I ate.’” (Genesis 3:13) I wonder how many times I have been the deceived woman in the garden. I’ve been tricked into spending money on ideas to make big money fast. I’ve been fooled by weight-loss claims. I’ve fallen for the lie that life is all about me. I’ve responded to the lure of drugs and alcohol as they call out, “Whoever is unsure of himself, turn in here.” (Proverbs 9:4) I’ve believed the lie that pre-marital sex is a good way to know if you’re compatible. I’ve been sure I was locked in as a child of God simply because of the religion I was born into.

Truth and Wisdom taught me that true wealth has little to do with money and much to do with heart; the only way to control my weight is to change how I eat and why; and life is not about me but about the Father who created me. They have shown me what happens to those who cannot escape drugs or alcohol and that sex cannot predict the success of a relationship. I thank God that my eyes were opened to realize that I could not be saved simply by a prayer said over me as an infant–I had to choose Christ for myself.

I have a cat that was orphaned and sick as a baby. God sent her to me. I named her Jayden because the meaning is, “Jehovah has heard.” For the first six years or so many people who visited my home did not know of her existence. She kept herself hidden, coming out discreetly to eat. She would bite anyone who tried to show her attention. Gradually she began to trust me and little by little she became my close companion. That’s what happened with me and Jesus but it took much longer than six years.

As with my cat, who sat on the back of my chair, curled around my neck as I wrote this, I learned to trust the Hand that feeds and guides me, desiring to sit on his shoulder or just wrap around his neck. He protected and cared for me even while I hid from him. He never stopped feeding me even when I growled or snapped my teeth. “When you seek me, you will find me, provided you seek me wholeheartedly.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

Are you being deceived by the serpents of this world? There is a way out. “Keep asking, and it will be given to you; keep seeking and you will find; keep knocking and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) The door leads to freedom in Christ. Keep knocking.