Why Now?

Have you ever thought you were born at the wrong time in history–100 years too early or too late? I’ve heard that statement out of many mouths including my own, but that doesn’t make it true. Father knows exactly where each one of us belongs in the timeline. He created us and has a special purpose for each of our lives. He knows what we can handle and what will break our backs. He knows the exact point in time that you will be most effective in the completion of His plan.

I believe that those of us who live today are coming from the warrior stock as the final battle comes ever closer. Consider the children of the current generation. Perhaps it’s just the side of the tracks that I see most often but it appears to me that most kids are being born into very broken homes. Many are separated from their parents and they don’t understand why. If given a choice most of them would stay with an abusive or negligent parent because of their love and ignorance of any other kind of life.

Our world is changing quickly; normal doesn’t exist at this time and will never return. But Jesus has a plan of redemption for every child ever born. I believe the tougher their situation is the sooner many of them will turn to the Lord. I also believe that as Christians, it is our duty, when we have the opportunity, to point them to the One who will never leave them. “Proclaim with me the greatness of ADONAI; let us exalt his name together.” (Psalm 34:4 (3)) 

Are you excited about the future or are you scared? Father doesn’t want any of us to live in fear–that’s Satan’s playground. “ADONAI is near those with broken hearts; he saves those whose spirit is crushed.” Psalm 34:19 (18)) Our broken-hearted little ones need to know His faithfulness. Are you able to declare along with the psalmist: “I sought ADONAI, and he answered me; he rescued me from everything I feared,”? (Psalm 34:5 (4))

As their young hearts look for love we must point the way. They are being groomed as warriors and the war is raging. We must help them find refuge in Jesus. “Young lions can be needy, they can go hungry, but those who seek ADONAI lack nothing good.” (Psalm 34:11 (10))