You Already Are!

I sat at my desk, reading my morning devotions, getting my mind in tune with Father so I could write His truth. I was overcome with a wave of unworthiness. I asked God, “Why would you even look in my direction? I’m a dirty-puny-human. I’m no saint, why should I have the privilege of writing for you?” What I heard in reply could only have come from the Lord: “Why do you call yourself dirty? Have you not yet accepted my forgiveness?” “‘Come now,’ says ADONAI, ‘let’s talk this over. Even if your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow.’” (Isaiah 1:18) “Furthermore, he gave some people as emissaries, some as prophets, some as proclaimers of the Good News, and some as shepherds and teachers. Their task is to equip God’s people [the saints] for the work of service that builds the body of Messiah.” (Ephesians 4:11-12)

The word “saints” is used 229 times in the Greek New Testament and translated sixty times in the English text. It always refers to God’s people, who are holy and set apart– all of God’s people. Sometimes I need to be reminded that I am forgiven, I am a saint, I have been made worthy in God’s eyes and yes, it is a huge privilege to feed his flock. 

Are you feeling dirty, puny, or unworthy of the task you have been called to do? Are you a brother/sister in Christ? His people already appear white as snow before God, you are set apart as holy. You are a saint already– you may not feel like it right now but that doesn’t make it untrue. “Through God you are no longer a slave but a son, and if you are a son you are also an heir.” (Galatians 4:7 )

Since God is King of the Universe we are princes and princesses. Look in a mirror and picture yourself white as snow on the inside and a crown on top of your head. Stand tall, take a deep breath, and face the task ahead of you today with the confidence that Jesus has your back and He sees you holy and set apart for God– a saint.