Keeping Peace

Have you ever heard of a “peace officer” before? I was watching a court T.V. show where one party was explaining how he had used the protection of his local police department in case things were to get out of control. Being from small-town USA I have always been aware of the option to have an officer stand by in case the situation got explosive. I used them once myself. However, this courtroom and the judges presiding over it were located in New York City. Having never lived in a large city it had not occurred to me how unrealistic it would be to expect that kind of service from the big city police.

 Have you found yourself playing peacekeeper in your family, job, or any other capacity? It is a tough role to play and often a thankless one. I’ve played that part for many years in both my family and professions. My husband usually sees my attempts as butting in, which sometimes aims the situation at me, causing it to go from bad to worse. “Like someone who grabs a dog by the ears is a passer-by who mixes in a fight not his own.” (Proverb 26:17)

However, Jesus said: “How blessed are those who make peace! for they will be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9) How then do we know when to get involved and when to keep moving? It’s a matter of discernment; learning Father’s voice and seeking His direction in each situation. No one answer is always right unless the answer is love, which is sometimes most evident by silence.

There came a time when I felt the Lord asking me to step back, remove myself from the situation if necessary, and let the other parties work out their problems as it was the only road to a restored relationship. I prefer peace but it isn’t always the top priority.

I tried the “can’t we all just get along?” plea for years. The answer was, “No.” Sometimes the battle is unavoidable.

“If possible, and to the extent it depends on you, live in peace with all people. Never seek revenge, my friends; instead, leave that to God’s anger.” (Romans 12:18-19) The life of a successful peacekeeper requires a good set of ears that have learned to listen before speaking. Do you know Father’s voice? You will if you continue to seek after Him.