T.V. Or Not T.V.

Do you own a television? Most people in the United States would say yes. If I had to get rid of one major item in my home it would be the T.V. Many unnecessary issues in life revolve around the screen. There are disagreements over what to watch. The watcher’s become irritated if someone wants to talk. They may turn up the volume to block the voices out. If the sounds coming from another room are too loud another raising of the volume may be coming until finally nothing else can be heard. In my home, Satan is quite successful at stifling relationships. The set is often running off an internet app that may if you’re lucky, give you ten seconds between episodes. That’s not much time for conversation and nothing says, “I’m not interested right now,” any better than raising the volume. It says very clearly, “Don’t interrupt my show.” Without conversation, relationships grow stale.

The T.V. may become a very powerful god, demanding your undivided attention–eyes and ears fully focused and your body planted directly in front of it. This time thief has become intentionally designed to keep people from walking away from it. More T.V. could be just the wedge Satan is hoping to stick between family relationships in some homes. 

Many times I’ve heard people say they only have it on for noise. Have we become fearful of the quiet times? Those are the times Father waits for; the times your ears are not already busy. He has no desire to compete for your attention. 

“A mighty blast of wind tore the mountain apart and broke the rocks in pieces before ADONAI, but ADONAI was not in the wind. After the wind came an earthquake, but ADONAI was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake, fire broke out; but ADONAI was not in the fire. And after the fire came a quiet, subdued voice.” (1 Kings 19:11-12) Father is not in the T.V. either. You’ll never build relationships with others if you can’t walk away. Time is precious, use it wisely.