Who’s The Boss

Do you struggle to know that you are fully loved by the Creator of the universe and nothing you do or fail to do today can change that? It doesn’t seem right in our human minds that we can’t somehow cause God to become so angry with us that He just can’t love us anymore. But we can’t. We can also work ourselves into a breakdown doing things in Jesus’ name but it won’t make Him love us any more than He already does, and your efforts to do more for Christ may actually become your downfall. Listen for His direction, and if He doesn’t send you, don’t go.

His agape love for you is complete and unchanging. He loves you so much He wants to give you everlasting life with Himself. It’s free for the asking. But He also desires to do life with you here. “Or don’t you know that your body is a temple for the Rauch HaKodesh [Holy Spirit] who lives inside you, whom you received from God? The fact is, you don’t belong to yourselves; for you were bought at a price. So use your bodies to glorify God.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) That requires you to relinquish the throne of your heart to the One who paid the price for it. At times you may need a reminder, perhaps several times a day.

As you practice surrendering your authority over your life to the power of the Holy Spirit within you, it will change your view. You will be able to witness God at work and you will know from the help of the Spirit that you are loved. The Bible says: “Now I know partly; then I will know fully, just as God has fully known me.” (1 Corinthians 13:12) There is a current song by Tauren Wells called “Known” that explains it well– “I’m fully known and loved by you. You won’t let go no matter what I do. And it’s not one or the other, it’s hard truth and ridiculous grace to be known, fully known and loved by you.” 

Do you feel loved today? Feelings can lie to you but God and His Word will not, not ever. Which will you choose to believe today?